Pain therapy
When reaching for painkillers determines life

It doesn’t matter if it’s a „simple“ headache, migraine, back pain or toothache, even though your dentist says: „Your teeth are fine“.

Many people suffer from constant or recurrent pain. For many, „the drug of choice“ is the painkiller. Almost as a matter of course, the dose gradually increases. While in Europe the „Ibu“ is used, in the USA it is mostly opioids or morphine. 

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Just recently, a colleague told me that he had to be operated on in Florida because of an acute complaint. Even before the operation, he was in pain. When he asked the nurse for an „Ibu“, she looked at the computer to see what the doctor had prescribed just in case. Instead of the desired „Ibu“, there was only an opiate that could be given. However, my German colleague did not want to take this powerful and very quickly addictive remedy. The nurse first had to ask the attending physician if she could also give the patient the desired „Ibu“. After the successful operation, this „game“ was repeated.

As those who treat pain patients on a daily basis, we could only shake our heads in disapproval and my colleague supplemented his description with the comment: „If opioids and morphines with their high addictive potential are administered so quickly here, we no longer need to be surprised about the high number of pain patients“. Unfortunately, he’s right. Many people resort to painkillers far too quickly and too often. 

The benefits of pain therapy with hypnosis

However, we experience in daily practice that hypnosis spares many people not only suffering, but also side effects (with most remedies the human organism is affected – liver, kidneys, stomach and other organs get a lot to do).

We don’t promise anyone that we can „turn off“ their pain – although many hope so. However, for many clients, outpatient pain therapy provides significant relief after 2 to 3 sessions.

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Pain therapy with hypnosis just hocus-pocus?

No! Because even in pain treatment, hypnosis is NOT a „hocus-pocus“. Hypnosis has been scientifically researched since the 1920s and has long been used by conventional medicine. 

Hypnosis is a recognized and effective method to address the subconscious mind and bring about positive changes. By reaching a trance-like state, you can reprogram your brain and influence your perception of pain on a deeper level. Pain management with hypnosis can help you reduce painkillers, minimize side effects, and find alternative ways to relieve pain.

For example, quite a few dentists offer their patients hypnosis instead of painkillers. Surgeons use this for small outpatient procedures and can usually reduce the dose of the anesthetics.

We have also experienced that the strongest guys – before they get their next tattoo or a new piercing is supposed to beautify the body – have discovered hypnosis for themselves.


Hypnosis is the therapy of choice for a large number of patients and is usually preferable to constant use of pain medication – especially against the background of side effects and the associated stress on other organs.

 Our hypnotists and hypnotherapists are trained
to help you with hypnotic pain therapy.

We relieve your pain with hypnotherapy

We understand that pain is a complex issue and everyone reacts differently to it. Our holistic approach takes into account your individual needs and goals. We work closely with you to develop tailor-made solutions and provide you with the tools to manage pain and improve your quality of life.

Contact us today for more information and to schedule an appointment for your pain management hypnosis sessions. We look forward to helping you reduce pain, improve your quality of life, and live a more pain-free life.

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